Sunova Eq-K9

Health. Healing. Education

Comprehensive Equine and Canine First Aid Courses for all ages and skill levels

Equine and Equestrian programs to help you feel stronger, more confident, and connect better with your horse

Health. Healing. Education.

The pillars that drive the mission of Sunova Eq-K9.

A deep love for horses and dogs, a passion for educating others, and a devotion to both animal and human health and wellness is what has created Sunova Eq-K9, and continues to lead us everyday. 

Tianna Evans,
Founder and Instructor

  • Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management in Equine Management
  • Equi-Health Canada Certified in Equine First Aid and Disaster Prevention Instructor
  • Canine Health Canada Certified in Canine First Aid Instruction
  • PATH International Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor
  • Published co-author of equine behavior research at the University of Guelph, studying the influence of equine personality on working horses
  • Canine professional since 2018
  • Animal welfare professional since 2018

Sunova Eq-K9 strives to offer quality education, and opportunities to help improve the lives of humans and their relationship with their beloved animals. 

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